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2017.09.27 - On our way to France

On our way to France. Increasingly it is about the little guy. I doubt he will remember this trip vividly in the years to come. But now, it is more about his experience more than ours. My first time to France, in fact, my first trip to Europe. The things I want to see, the things I want to do all fade away as we see this little guy stare out into the blue sky. Yes, what will he think, what will he feel? However, in the back of my mind, there is a nagging itch. I want him to experience it all. I want him to be happy. But is my want what he needs? What is his wants? I find myself questioning the nuances of what I want versus what my son needs from me. But hope trumps all. Yes, we will have a great time. -HJA

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